Easter 2022

Easter life & hope is ours, even in the midst of challenges near and far in our fragile and wonderful world. Lent details and resources are linked here: and even as the rains and cold winds blow it's hard to think that Easter is fast approaching, but with the first snowdrops out and the daffodils showing promise of spring, the plans for our Easter Services are well underway. The service dates and times are detailed below. If you have any questions or would like more information please contact the church office on 01322 662320 or email Sue at office@stph.org.uk

April 14th - Maundy Thursday 8pm service at St. Peter’s, with communion.

April 15th - Good Friday 9am Communion service at St. Paul’s, followed by walking the cross down to St. Peter’s, with 10.30am service at St. Peter’s wrapping up at 11:15am.
2-3pm Service of quiet meditation and readings at St. Paul’s.

3:30pm-5pm, Good Friday Family Fun at St Peter’s particularly designed for Under-11’s. Please do book in at office@stph.org.uk by Wednesday 13th April, with capacity for sixty children and families.

April 17th - Easter Day 8.30am Communion Service at St. Paul's 10.30am Easter Day celebration at St. Peter's.

Just us for some or all of our Easter plans! We are an Easter people and resurrection is our song!


Associate Pastor

